Dental Emergencies
Dental emergencies require prompt treatment to relieve pain and to improve the affected tooth’s chance of survival. In the case of dental emergencies, contact our office immediately and visit us.
The pain and damage caused by dental emergencies almost always get worse without treatment, and dental issues can seriously risk physical health.
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Common Dental Emergencies
1. Loose tooth
You may experience a loose tooth due to dental trauma, decay, or periodontal diseases. When such a dental emergency occurs, you need to immediately visit your dentist. Your dentist will reposition the tooth in the socket and add splints to stabilize it. If this does not help, root canal therapy will be performed.
2. Knocked out tooth
If a tooth has been completely knocked out from its socket, visit your dentist immediately. When a tooth gets completely dislodged from the socket, the bone tissues, nerves, and blood vessels get damaged. If the tooth is placed back into its socket within an hour, there is a chance the tissues will regrow to support the tooth once again. You can use the following steps on your own to increase the possibility of your tooth getting saved:
- Call your dentist’s office immediately and inform him about the dental emergency.
- Collect the knocked out tooth and rinse it with warm water. Refrain from touching its root.
- Place the tooth back into its socket. If this is not possible, tuck it into the cheek pouch.
- If the tooth cannot be placed in the mouth, put it in a cup of milk or saliva. This is done to prevent it from drying out.
- Visit your dentist immediately.
3. Lost crown
When a crown comes loose and dislodges from its place, the affected tooth becomes sensitive to temperature changes and pressure. This is a common phenomenon when the tooth below is decaying and changing shape. A change in shape affects the crown’s fit and it becomes loose and then finally comes out of its place. If this happens, book a dental appointment as soon as possible. If the crown is out of the mouth for a long period of time, the teeth may shift or sustain further damage. When your dentist is not immediately accessible for a dental emergency, follow the given steps:
- Keep the dislodged crown in a cool and safe place to increase the possibility of it getting reinstalled in place.
- Apply clove oil to the affected tooth to relieve pain.
- Do not use glue to reattach the crown.
4. Cracked Tooth
Teeth often get cracked and fractured due to dental trauma, grinding and clenching. Cracks and fractures are generally painless but when they travel down into the root, you will be exposed to extreme pain. If you experience such a dental emergency, schedule an appointment as quickly as possible. You can take the following steps at home:
- Rinse your mouth with warm salty water.
- In case of bleeding, bite on a gauze pad for a few minutes.
- To treat swelling, use icepacks or cold towels.
- Take a topical pain reliever.
At Auburn Dental Center, we use the latest technology like digital X rays and 3D imaging to provide top-notch dental solutions to our patients. We aim to provide safe, comfortable, and painless procedures that suit one’s dental needs. For further queries, book an appointment with us at (661) 327-2189 or visit us at 5603 Auburn Street Suite B Bakersfield, CA 93306.